Thursday, August 26, 2010

45th Reunion Planning Begins


Anne Cole (Wetherill) and I had dinner a couple of weeks ago, and began to talk about planning the 45th PLHS66 Reunion. The Committee has generally agreed that we should save our energy for the 50th Reunion, and try for a bit more informal affair for the 45th. Because most who attended the one we had at the Barefoot Bar in the old Vacation Village (now Paradise Point) has good things to say about the drop-in, casual, no-advance payment nature of the event, we're thinking of doing it again.

But first, I volunteered again to assemble an updated list of the graduates, and their current contact information.

I'll be using the Alumni contact info, as well as sending out early alerts to those whose email addresses we collected last reunion.

Stay tuned, and email me if you're email has changed in the last five years (who's hasn't?).

Gregory Fearon

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